Episode 016 – Chris Cusack with Downhouse and D&T Drive Inn

It’s not everyday you get to have a beer with the owner of one of your favorite brunch spots. Chris was so cool that despite being postponed and rescheduled more than once, he took a little time out of his day to meet up and talk. I had to directly thank him for the Big Ol’ Bloody Mary and Mocha Coffee at Downhouse – mine and Sally’s favorites repectively. He also gave me the lowdown on two new ventures soon to arrive in the Heights with plenty of more food and tasty beverages. Even though I’ve been there before, I plan on dropping by D&T Drive Inn on my bike on many more occasions.

Episode 015 – Josh Stewart with Interbrews

I like two things: podcasts and craft beer. Josh has frankensteined these two things into one massive monstrosity of sudsy and talky wonderment called Interbrews. He and a few others have been talking to the bigwigs, the movers, and the shakers in the craft beer industry in Houston for over a year and has been podcasting it out for all of us to enjoy. It was great getting to talk to a fellow craft beer aficionado and podcaster. He gave terrific advice, offered some sterling kudos, and let me know how the whole journey has been for him.

Episode 015 – Cindy Pruitt

Cindy is a muscian that has been calling the Montrose area of Houston home for over 10 years, I ran into her first many years ago when I saw her band, Fluff The Kat, playing at Chances. It wasn’t until recently when Sally took photos at Cindy’s bday party and I met her again and said “I know you!”. She took me on a tour of her uber-nice studio at home, primed for recording all means of rock n roll. We then had a fun conversation about her fun world.

Episode 013 – my brother Collin

Lucky number 13. Fittingly so, because this one was solid. Got my brother Collin in for a few midday drinks and a hangout at Porch Swing Pub. Yet again, this one is script-free except for the quiz, which was a blast. We catch up on work, video games, cool movies, etc. Will definitely have him back on. Possibly a Snyder roundtable or something else nifty.

Episode 012 – Jennifer Royo with No Label Brewery

The first brewery for Over A Pint! I remember when No Label first opened, thinking it was the strangest name for a brewery, but after having a few of their tasty beverages, it didn’t matter. Many wonderful sudsy drinks have emerged from the shadows of those silos in Katy, TX. Jennifer is the head honcho, along with her husband and has been involved since day 1 when the brewery was conceived over a few beers with their family members. I loved hearing how this great place came to be what it is today.

Episode 011 – Craig Nemow with ChiroDynamics

Craig is the Bane to my Batman. Simply because he has cracked my back on several occasions. And because’s he’s in ridiculous shape. But that’s where the metaphor ends, because he doesn’t have a single villainous characteristic. He does, however, have a killer work ethic, which shows in his work as a chiropractor and in his playing as a guitarist. And hanging out at the Texans Grill and Bar with him was pretty nice.